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See here the most frequent questions about spiritism, answered by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation


What is reincarnation?

Spirits reincarnate as many times as necessary for their improvement. The goal of reincarnation is evolution.

What is Spiritualism?

frequently asked questions

It is the set of principles and laws, revealed by the Superior Spirits, contained in the works of Allan Kardec that constitute the Spiritist Codification: The Spirits' Book, The Mediums' Book, The Gospel according to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell and Genesis.
“Spiritism is a science that deals with the nature, origin and destiny of Spirits, as well as their relationship with the corporeal world.”  Allan Kardec (What is Spiritism – Preamble)
“Spiritism does what Jesus said about the promised Consoler: knowledge of things, making man know where he comes from, where he is going and why he is on Earth; draws to the true principles of the law of God and comforts by faith and hope.”  Allan Kardec (The Gospel according to Spiritism – chapter VI – 4)

What is mediumship?

What does Spiritism say about Jesus?

Jesus is the guide and model for all Humanity. And the Doctrine that he taught and exemplified is the purest expression of the Law of God. The morality of Christ, contained in the Gospel, is the roadmap for the safe evolution of all men, and its practice is the solution to all human problems and the objective to be achieved by  Humanity.

Where do disembodied spirits live and what do they do?

Mediumship, which allows Spirits to communicate with men, is a faculty that many people bring with them at birth, regardless of the religion or doctrinal life guide they adopt. But attention: spiritist mediumistic practice is only one that is exercised based on the principles of the Spiritist Doctrine and within Christian morals. Therefore, under no circumstances may the medium charge money, demand or accept any form of reward (gifts, gifts, favors, etc.) for his mediumistic activities.

In addition to the corporeal world, the habitation of incarnate Spirits, which are men, there is the spiritual world, the habitation of discarnate Spirits. They study, work and develop various activities in the spirit world.

Does Spiritism have, among its principles, the existence of life in other worlds?

What are spirits?

Spirits are the intelligent beings of creation. They constitute the world of the Spirits, which pre-exists and survives everything. Spirits are created simple and ignorant. They evolve, intellectually and morally, passing from a lower order to a higher one, until perfection, where they enjoy unalterable happiness. Spirits preserve their individuality before, during and after each incarnation.

Does Spiritism have among its principles the belief in God?

Yes. The Spiritist Doctrine clarifies that in the Universe there are other inhabited worlds, with beings of different degrees of evolution: equal, more evolved and less evolved than men.

How many Spiritist Centers are there in Brazil?

There are 14 thousand Spiritist Centers registered with the Brazilian Spiritist Federation.

How many followers of Spiritism are there in Brazil?

Yes. Spiritism explains that God is the supreme intelligence, the first cause of all things. It is eternal, immutable, immaterial, unique, omnipotent, sovereignly just and good. The Universe is God's creation. It encompasses all rational and irrational, animate and inanimate, material and immaterial beings. All the laws of Nature are divine laws, for God is their author. They cover both physical laws      like moral laws.

According to the 2010 Census (IBGE), there are 3.8 million Spiritists in Brazil. There are 14 thousand Spiritist Centers registered with the Brazilian Spiritist Federation

Is Spiritism the same as Umbanda or Candomblé?

Do spirits know all things?

Spirits are the souls of men who have already lost their physical bodies. As we observe in incarnated Humanity, the knowledge they have corresponds to their degree of moral and intellectual advancement. Death is a passage to spiritual life and does not give moral values or intelligence to those who do not have them.

Can spirits reincarnate in animal bodies?

Not. Spiritism is a doctrine that emerged in France in 1857. Candomblé (of African origin) and Umbanda (originally from Brazil) are spiritualist doctrines.

Are all spirits the same?

Not. Spirits belong to different orders, according to the degree of perfection they have reached: Pure Spirits, who have reached maximum perfection; Good Spirits, in which the desire for good is what predominates; Imperfect Spirits, characterized by ignorance, evil desire and inferior passions.

Not. Spirits always evolve. In their multiple corporeal existences they may park, but they never regress. The rapidity of their intellectual and moral progress depends on the efforts they make towards perfection.

Only through Spiritism can one have contact with Spirits?

Not. The relationships of spirits with men are constant and have always existed. Good Spirits attract us to the good, support us in the trials of life and help us to bear them with courage and resignation. Imperfects lead us astray.

Is there any kind of payment in spiritist institutions?

What is the law of cause and effect?

It is a law created by God and which states that man has free will to act, but is responsible for the consequences of his actions. What we do evil and good will come back to us in this same life or in later existences. The future life reserves for men pains and joys compatible with the procedure of respecting or not the Law of God.

Does Spiritism reveal something new?

Yes. Spiritism reveals new and deeper concepts about God, the Universe, Men, Spirits and the Laws that govern life. It also reveals what we are, where we came from, where we are going, what is the purpose of our existence and what is the reason for pain and suffering.

Not. All spiritist practice is free, as the moral principle of the Gospel guides: “Give for free what you have received for free”.

Does Spiritism have rituals or priests?

Not. The spiritist practice is carried out with simplicity, without any external worship, within the Christian principle that God must be worshiped in spirit and truth. Spiritism does not have priests and neither adopts nor uses in its meetings and in its practices: altars, images, litters, candles, processions, sacraments, indulgence concessions, vestments, alcoholic or hallucinogenic drinks, incense, tobacco, talismans, amulets, horoscopes, fortune telling, pyramids, crystals or any other objects, rituals or forms of external worship.

Spiritism respects all religions and doctrines, values all efforts to do good and works for fraternization and peace among all peoples and among all men, regardless of their race, color, nationality, belief, cultural or social level. .  He recognizes that “the true good man is the one who fulfills the law of justice, love and charity, in its greatest purity”.

Is Spiritism proselytizing? Are there campaigns for people to become Spiritists?

Not. Spiritism never imposes its principles. He invites those interested in knowing him to submit his teachings to the sieve of reason, before accepting them.

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How does Spiritism relate to other religions?

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