Founded on July 29, 1988 by a group of volunteers from FEESP (São Paulo Spiritist Federation), Grupo Socorrista
Brother Alberto (GSIA), was constituted by the then director-president the Speech-Language Pathologist and University Professor Profa. Dr. Eudosia Acuña Quinteiro.
GSIA is a civil association governed by private, charitable, philanthropic, cultural, philosophical, Kardecist, altruistic and non-economic purposes, recognized for its work in socio-educational assistance with sustainability. It works on behalf of low-income families, adding to the material aid the values of Christian Spirituality.
Since its foundation, more than three decades ago, Christian Charity as an ideal has guided the performance of GSIA in its own service units where activities are maintained thanks to donations from people and companies that are in tune with this ideal.
Who we are
Protagonize positive transformative actions that mobilize people and organizations equally willing to fight the material and spiritual poverty of those who ask us for help.
Search for ways and means to generate conditions and opportunities in favor of the material and spiritual progress of those who ask for help, in a sustainable way.


To be a reference institution in the practice and exemplification of human values. To be innovative and proactive in the face of the challenges of our society through a portfolio of socio-environmental projects that involve low-income beneficiaries, communities, employees, supporters, suppliers and investors, building a better, truly solidary and sustainable world.

Christian militancy under the motto "God, Christ, Charity" .
Systemic view of the Universe: Spirit and Matter.
Continuous evolution: "To be born, to die, to be reborn, to be born yet and to always progress, such is the law" (Allan Kardec)
Moral and spiritual progress as an attitude.
Proactivity in work and study related to human promotion.
Commitment to the quality of service to beneficiaries.
Community responsibility.
Joy and satisfaction in serving
Partnerships with people and organizations focused on the good of humanity.